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The information requested in this application is required for CRAS’s selective enrollment process. Please read all questions carefully and answer completely, accurately, and honestly since the responses you give will be considered final and are not open for modification.
Enrollment Application
CRAS strongly recommends the completion of this application to be done on a PC/Mac computer, and not a personal cellular/mobile phone.
The information requested in this application is required for CRAS’s selective enrollment process. Please read all questions carefully and answer completely, accurately, and honestly since the responses you give will be considered final and are not open for modification.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Your ability to read and follow instructions will be taken into consideration. Proof of High School diploma or GED is required for acceptance. Please make sure you have completed the proper request form in your application. Prospective students must submit a copy of High School diploma or GED or transcripts to be officially accepted to CRAS. A prospective student may not start classes without the required documentation.
CRAS is committed to educational and work communities that are free from prohibited discrimination and harassment. CRAS prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation/gender identity or expression, genetic information, and any other legally protected status in the provision of its admissions process, recruitment, courses, programs, services or activities.
The Conservatory will not not retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment of any right protected by Section 504 and its implementing regulations.